Thursday, August 23, 2012

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

<---- This guy, the way this guy is standing right now perfectly exemplifies how I am feeling.  We have the exact same body language at the moment.  Head hanging, shoulders slumped, dangling tired arms.  We are both exhausted.  And he is to blame.  I am exhausted from trying to cram the name of every single bone in the body, every muscle and where they originate and insert and what they do, not to mention all of the things that can happen to your body and degrees of flexion and rotation - into my overworked brain.

Tomorrow is the final for Applied Anatomy and after hours and hours of studying, I still manage to feel very unprepared.  There are many people who can relate - learning anatomy is like learning a new language.  These are not real words!!  I do not use the word olecranon or suprapatellar in real life...I think I am supposed to be using them in my new real life, but I also took 4 years of Spanish and still struggle to get through the menu at many Mexican food restaurants.

I have been locked in a room with my study group (who felt they needed a shout out on the blog - Taylor, Erin, Dan and Salim) and my brain is too tired to continue.  I want to blog about my awesome study group in a whole separate post - I need to get a picture of the group (okay, I am trying to get us all to wear matching shirts to school for that photo op) and then I will introduce them in a proper manner.  It is nice to have the accountability of other people...we all get excited when we get something right and equally all throw our papers to the floor when we get something wrong.  There is pacing, lying on the floor, loads of candy, energy drinks, various interludes of music and at some point, we actually go over our notes :)

I am so thankful that this is where my career path has taken me, but I will definitely be happy to not be in school anymore.  As much as I enjoy the process of learning new things, I had no idea that my life would be that of a perpetual student.  Next week we start our official 17 week course and I am sure it is going to fly by, but I am definitely ready for new material and more getting my hands dirty.  If you would have told me last week that I would be dying to get back into the rooms with the grinders and band saws I would have laughed (and maybe cried), but these 30 pages of lecture flashcards have me waxing poetic about safety goggles and closed toed shoes...

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