Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday School

No, I am not actually enrolled in Saturday school, it just feels that way today.  I have spent most of my day completing online CEUs (continuing education units) and watching "webinars" (seminars on the web) for my classes.  CEUs are just about reading loads of information from the AOPA website and then taking tests online to see if you retained anything.  These are how you get to keep and renew your licensure when you are a practitioner - I would be highly motivated if I was getting anything out of spending 22 hours earning these credits, but alas, they give me nothing in return.  Except knowledge, I suppose.  And a webinar sounds as awkward and painful as it actually is.  Watching/listening to a 45 minute PowerPoint presentation on Medicare truly is as engrossing as it sounds.  On a positive note, I managed to do all of my dishes, clean my entire apartment, vacuum the floor and take out the trash during the duration of the online lecture - they don't let you do that in school :)

I believe that I am fully caught up on school work for the weekend - I have written up my progress notes regarding all of my appointments with Mr. R (except the one he has yet to show up for).  I have taken all of the online quizzes, read the required material for next week's classes and started tossing around ideas in my head for what I want to do my research project on.  I am trying to only devote one day of my weekend to school, otherwise my brain would never get a break and that just sounds miserable.  This next week does not look like there is much room in the schedule for getting work done outside of school hours so I need to stay productive when I can.  So, of course, the pedicure I just got was totally justified.

This picture was sent to me by one of my professors and it makes me laugh because I have a feeling this is how I look sitting through most of the lectures...trying to give a very convincing performance of being interested and looking like I am concentrating, all the while, thinking in my head that I have no clue what is going on and wondering if this is something that I am actually going to have to know in the future.  I think the hoodie is what gives off the air of uncertainty...I am going to start wearing my lab coat to all lectures.

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